Kilcredan Effigies

Map Reference: X013700 (2013, 0700)

Near the east end of the south wall is the tomb of Sir Robert Tynte, which he erected in 1636. Sir Robert died in 1643. The tomb was badly when the roof of the church was removed in1924 and had already suffered somewhat when it was proposed to remove it to St Mary’s, Youghal in the 19th century. It consists of a tomb chest on which rests the recumbent figure of Sir Robert clad in armour.

Detail showing the remaining fragment of the sword

His sword is now missing as are the lower legs. The face is worn smooth. It is flanked at head and feet by two kneeling female figures, said to be his two wives Phillippa and Elizabeth. Both are missing heads, hands and upper torso.

Above the effigy is a stone tablet with a long commemorative Latin inscription and above this an other tablet with the Tynte coat of arms.

Directly in the north wall is another tomb. This is the monument to Sir Edward Harris, who died in 1636 and his wife, Elizabeth, who died in 1622. Within a rectangular frame are two kneeling figures which face each other.

Both are missing head and hands and the figure on the left is also missing the upper torso. Sir Edwad was Chief Justice of Munster and his eldest daughter, Phillipa, was married to Sir Robert Tynte.

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