Clare Hill Lime Kilns

Map Reference: J156603 (3156, 3603)

This set of four lime kilns is one of the few examples of multiple kilns still remaining in Ireland. The interior of the kilns are no longer accessible but it is known that the chamber was somewhat egg-shaped, with the corbelled rim being of smaller diameter than the center of the chamber. The structure is in good condition but may now be under threat. At the rear of the kilns there was a massive earthen bank which allowed ramped access to the top for loading the limestone and coal. Much of this has now been removed as part of the building working on the housing estate which now surrounds the site.

At one end of the row of kilns is a three-storey building which may have been a store for limestone, coal and burnt lime.

Beyond this is a small single-storey dwelling which may have been part of the kiln complex. The main point of interest of this building lies in the fact that its main building material seem to be large flint nodules which would have been removed from the limestone before burning. A very good example of the use of waste material which would otherwise have been dumped.

I have been unable to get any information about the history of these lime kilns and I would be very grateful if any of my readers can help.

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