Howth Abbey

Map Reference: O286391 (3286, 2391)

Howth Abbey or St Mary's Church occupies the site of a church founded in 1042 by Sigtrygg, King of Dublin. This was replaced about 1235 by a new church founded by Luke, Archbishop of Dublin, who was granted land by Sir Almeric St Lawrence. The present building dates from the late 14th or early 15th century. The church has two aisles, each of which originally had a gabled roof.

During the 15th century the aisle arcade was repaired and the two gables were replaced by a taller single gable. The porch and south doorway were probably added at this time. The east window in the north aisle was inserted in the 16th century. Near the east end of the south aisle is a well preserved tomb of the St Lawrence Family.

It was probably carved about 1470 and features a fine double effigy. The west end shows the Crucifixion, St Michael and two angels with censers.

The figures at the east end include St Peter (with keys) and St Katherine (with wheel).

Illustration from the Dublin Penny Journal 1833

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